Shipping policy
It takes 1-3 business days for the warehouse to process your order after it has been paid for. After the products have been shipped, you will receive an email with your order number and logistics order number. The cut-off time for orders is 5:00 p.m. Orders placed after 5:00 p.m. are considered next-day orders.
Shipments will arrive within 3-7 business days. Please note that we only ship to the United States and we are not accepting orders from other countries at this time.
All items in our store have free shipping throughout the United States.
Shipping Time
Country/Region | Shipping Methods | Processing Time | Shipping Time | Shipping costs |
United States | Standard Shipping | 1-3 business days | 3-7 business days | Free shipping |
On rare occasions, delivery times may exceed the standard shipping times listed above. Most delays are caused by logistics providers and are unfortunately beyond our control. We ask for your patience and understanding if this happens.
We cannot be held responsible for delays in delivery due to destination issues (e.g. failure to provide a complete and correct delivery address, or failure to sign for the package at the address).
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].